The Ultimate Guide to Long Distance Relationships

Did you ever imagine that you wouldn’t be able to see the love of your life whenever you wanted?
That politicians could decide to block you visiting each other?
Or that you would face criticism and judgement from your friends and family for who you chose to be with?
That’s the reality with long distance relationships, and it makes a difficult situation even worse.
We understand – we closed over 5,000 miles of distance and have been married for over a decade. Our podcast “From Long Distance to Marriage” and the ebook you’re about to read were borne out of our experiences and struggles, to help couples like you have an easier and happier time.
We walk you through every stage of your journey so regardless of what stage you’re at, you can make immediate improvements and feel more connected with your partner.
We’ve been where you are. We’ve experienced thousands of miles separating us and the cocktail of emotions that come with it: all the anger, hurt, sadness, joy, love, and hope.
But we’ve also worked past it. Navigated the dilemma of emigration, deciding who moves, breaking that news to family, planning a wedding, arguing and making up, moving into our first apartment together, buying our first home, supporting each other financially and emotionally, sharing happiness and comforting through sadness.
We know how hard it is, and we know what it takes.
If you love your partner and need help with making it work while apart, inspiration for closing the distance, or knowledge on how to build a successful, happy relationship, then you’re who we wrote this guide for.
Some of the areas we cover are:
- Making it work as a long distance couple, including dealing with those around you saying it won’t work
- Date ideas
- Keeping it special while you’re apart, including how to navigate personal boundaries
- Keeping the mystery, including nudes and suggestive messages
- How to be romantic from afar
- How to tell your loved ones you’re in a long distance relationship
- Staying committed
- Closing the distance, including the 10 essential questions to talk about first
- Choosing and applying for your visa
- Adjusting to living together, including keeping the sex interesting and finding your groove at the end of the honeymoon period
- Coping with your new long distance relationship – your friends and family back home
- Living happily ever after