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Tag Archives for " relationships "

Who Comes First: Your Family or Your Partner?

Is there a more awkward situation than being asked to choose between family and your partner? It puts “being between a rock and a hard place” into perspective! And yet, so many couples find themselves in the middle of this predicament, unsure of who should come first. It’s an awkward situation and we’re here to help!

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Communication in LDR: How Much is Too Much?

Talking to your partner can help manage your stress and alleviate your anxieties brought on by the global pandemic. However, deadly virus outbreak or not, being too emotionally dependent passes the point of support and can breed resentment. Excessive communication does not make up for the distance. Some may even say it’s potentially harmful.

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6 Ways You Can Show Up for Your Partner

Once it’s established that your partner loves you for you—all of you—it’s possible that some parts of your self-regulation and self-care routines can start to feel unnecessary. Getting complacent in a relationship is easy to do because essentially it’s about doing nothing, and it’s not long until resentment sets in.

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E110: Trauma in relationships, with Esty Rappaport and Orit Krug

This week, we welcome back two very special returning guests who specialise in trauma therapy from different approaches. You might remember Orit, from episode 89, and Esty from episode 91.  Join in for an incredibly interesting conversation with two trauma experts who specialise in helping women and couples get past their trauma to help improve their relationships.  […]

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E102: Inappropriate Behaviours in Relationships – Unrealistic Expectations

Expecting too much of your partner, or having out of this world, unrealistic expectations within your relationship can cause real problems, and a world of hurt. In this episode, we discuss what constitutes as unrealistic expectations and the effects that they can have on your relationship. 

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