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Tag Archives for " mental health "

E110: Trauma in relationships, with Esty Rappaport and Orit Krug

This week, we welcome back two very special returning guests who specialise in trauma therapy from different approaches. You might remember Orit, from episode 89, and Esty from episode 91.  Join in for an incredibly interesting conversation with two trauma experts who specialise in helping women and couples get past their trauma to help improve their relationships.  […]

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E91: CJEA with Esty Rappaport

This week we’re joined by special guest and CJEA Coach, Esty Rappaport. Esty explains how journalling with your non-dominant hand can be an important and groundbreaking therapeutic treatment, and how this can be very helpful when it comes to relationship issues.  Find Esty here and get a free mini session:@LifePixRelationships For a FREE mini session: LifePixRelationships.as.me

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E89: Healing past traumas, with Orit Krug

This week, we’re joined by Orit Krug, a dance movement therapist and trauma expert. Orit explains how trauma from previous experiences can sabotage our current and future relationships, and what we can do to heal from this trauma once and for all. Tune in for a fascinating and incredibly helpful episode.  Learn more about Orit:Website: www.oritkrug.com […]

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E82: Feeling lonely in your relationship

In this week’s all new episode, we’re focusing on loneliness in relationships. Long distance presents it’s own challenges with loneliness, which are discussed at length, but so do face to face relationships. Many people living in the same home as their significant other experience loneliness. What does it mean, and what can cause it? When […]

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E11: Mental Health in Relationships

Mental Health in Relationships

In this episode, we discuss how mental health can affect relationships and touch on how it has affected our own relationship, and our own lives personally. We highlight how long distance relationships (and relationships in general) can be affected by things like anxiety, depression, and phobias. We also share examples of how we’ve tried to be there for one another and how you can help ease the burden of mental health for your partner, as well as ways to take care of yourself mentally when you’re in a serious relationship.

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