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Tag Archives for " long distance "

E111: Dealing with parents who object to your LDR – Listener request

In this episode, based on a listener request, we dive into the difficulties around telling your parents about an LDR, how to handle it, how not to handle it, and how to salvage the situation if it has gone badly, while addressing issues specific to the listener’s situation and other common issues that can arise […]

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E108: Closing the distance during the coronavirus pandemic, with Tarley

If ever there was a better story to give long distance couple’s hope right now, it’s Tarley. Listen as we have a conversation with LDR survivor Tarley, who managed to move from Australia to London during the coronavirus pandemic to finally be with her boyfriend, Bradley. Tarley shares her experiences, advice as well as the […]

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E101: Making the holidays special during Coronavirus

The holidays will likely look different for most of this year, with coronavirus still making social gatherings and travel problematic. Long distance couples are still facing extra challenges, so we’ve brought out our best tips and advice for making the holidays special, even if you’re separated from your partner this year due to COVID-19. 

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