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E36: When to call it quits in a long distance relationship

When to call it quits in a long distance relationship

Ending a relationship is never easy. Long distance relationships sometimes seem to come with their own unique challenges and even rules, but at some point you might be faced with the decision: is it time to end my LDR? This week, we hash over how to tell if it is, in fact, time to end your LDR and flags to look out for.

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E30: Coping between visits in a long distance relationship

Coping between visits in a long distance relationship

The thing about a long distance relationship is that it’s never easy. One of the most difficult periods in an LDR can be between visits. You’ve just had a few days, weeks or even months together where you functioned like a “normal” couple who doesn’t have to deal with distance or timezones and you’ve loved every minute of being together. But then inevitably, the visit has to end and it can feel like you’re back at square one, apart and miserable. In this episode, which was a special request from a listener, we discuss how to cope between visits, how to make the best of your time and keep yourself optimistic until the next visit.

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