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Tag Archives for " communication "

E44: Managing time in your long distance relationship

Managing time in your relationship

When you’re in a long distance relationship it can be a challenge to balance your time and dedicate yourself to all areas of your life, including friends, family, and your significant other. But what happens when you move away from home and every time you go back to visit, you have people vying for your attention?

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E42: Showing gratitude in your relationship

Gratitude in relationships

Are you showing your parter enough gratitude? All over the world, people are making gratitude lists and trying to live that #blessedlife. But the best place to start is in your own relationship, by showing your partner that you appreciate them and are grateful for the value they add to your life and the things they do for you.

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E37: Having alone time in a relationship

Time apart in a relationship

Sometimes we all just need a bit of headspace and time on our own, and that’s perfectly ok. In this episode, we discuss why a recent night apart did wonders for our snappy moods with one another. From being important to your mental health and helping you to “reset” your relationship, listen to this episode to find out why you simply *must* be giving yourself some alone time.

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E22: How to improve communication in relationships

How to improve communication in relationships

This week, we have dedicated an entire episode to talking about communication in relationships. How to be better at it, why it’s important, and how it can ensure you have a long and happy relationship with your significant other, whether you’re long distance or have been married for nearly a decade like us. Everyone can […]

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E6: Does porn have a place in relationships?

Phone sex!

Porn has never been so readily available as it is today, and opinions are divided on it. Some people think it’s toxic and has no place in a relationship, other couples enjoy it. In this episode, we invited opinions from listeners on Instagram and Twitter, and discuss the responses, tackling a number of issues and giving our opinion on porn in relationships.

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