E79: Get to Know Our Guests

This week, we’re bringing you up to speed on all the guests that have ever appeared on the From Long Distance to Marriage podcast. We highlight each of the guests, from relationship experts to couples battling the distance, and the points that can be taken away from each episode. The guests all bring something unique and special, and whether you’re looking for ways to keep things special over the miles or how to communicate better in your relationship, there’s something for everyone. 

Special guest episode links:

E20: Meet the Couple – Sam & Jared of the #LDR Activity Book
E38: Meet the Couple – Nyla and Lawrence
E47: Avoiding criticism, with special guest Dovid Feldman
E49: Communicating, with Dr Laura Louis
E54: First year of marriage with Marcus and Ashley
E66: Dating your spouse with Tony & Alisa Dilorenzo from One Extraordinary Marriage
E68: Life as an expat with Meg of the Gin and Beer It Show
E71: Jordan Syatt on long distance and fitness for couples (plus Harry Potter)
E76: How to deal with a defensive spouse, with Dovid Feldman
E78: Meet the Couple: G and Joshua of Sycamore Tree Design

From Long Distance to Marriage Podcast – Episode 79

AindreaHi everyone and welcome to episode 79 of From Long Distance to Marriage. Thanks for joining us. Firstly, just want to remind you that our Ultimate Guide to Long Distance is available on our website. It’s basically a compilation of everything we’ve learned as a long-distance couple and after closing he distance as a couple. It’s the resources we wish had been available when we were going through long distance. So that is available on our website as an E book, which you can download instantly. So, we hope that’s something you as a couple can learn from and improve your relationship. So that brings us into this week, we thought it would be useful to give an overview of the guests we’ve had on the podcast. We’ve been nearly going two years now in September, isn’t that insane.  
RichIt is insane.  
AindreaAnyone who has listened to us that much is insane.  
RichYeah and we’ve had a couple of guests recently and the listeners thought that was really good for them. So, we thought that for anyone new here or who hasn’t gone through our archive and you’re interested in the guests and the different advice they share. You can take some notes and go back and get them out.  
AindreaSo, it’s essentially a get to know our guest’s episode. We will do a recap of all the guests we’ve had on the show. We’ve been really lucky; we’ve had some amazing and interesting people.  
RichI hope we haven’t missed anyone.  
AindreaI haven’t. we will just run through each episode, what we talked about with the guest and what you might get from it. Then we will put a link to every episode in the show notes. So, our very first guest. Take it away.  
RichSam and Jared. All the way back, episode 20. A long time ago. So, Sam and Jared wrote the LDR activity book. Which was amazing, like you said about our Ultimate Guide to Long Distance Relationships. This was a resource we would have really enjoyed when we were still long distance. They serve two very different purposes. Ours is a guide, how to date, different ideas and how to make the most of getting to know each other. The activity book is things you can do together while apart. So, we had them on, it was a long episode, over an hour. They talked about where they came from, what their relationship looks like, they travelled a lot together but apart a lot as well. So that was a really good chat.  
AindreaYeah it was. The really interesting thing about that was, I believe Jared’s mother was a psychologist. So, she got involved and provided a psychological resource for the activity book. I will never forget what Jared said, that stuck with me for a long time. I can’t remember exactly what we were talking about, but he said always assume good intent from other people. I think it’s good advice, if you’re long distance and your partner isn’t giving you much attention, or they’ve said something that rubbed you the wrong way. Take a step back and remember people don’t usually do things with bad intent, they usually have good intentions. So that’s something to bear in mind. That is a really good episode if you’re long distance and a great thing to do together to bond together over the activities, you can set a page number and work on that worksheet tonight. It’s a great activity. Our next guests were Nyla and Lawrence, and they were on episode 38. They are a really interesting couple. They talked a lot about being a long-distance married couple and joining two families. They both have children.  
RichThere whole situation is unusual. There’s a lot of couples who get married then end up long distance and see it as a military style. But she lives in Wales in the UK and he lives in Florida, and they got married apart, so they knew they were long distance and continue to be long distance. Lawrence has some health complications that make things more complicated. So, it was a really heart-warming episode. We tried to raise some money for them afterwards. Both of them have got children and they desperately want to be one family unit, and money is difficult for them especially because of Lawrence’s health problems. So, we tried to raise some money for them to help them plan their next visit, or get their visa arranged. So, we want to say thank you to those who donated to that. I think all the guests we’ve had on, especially the ones in a couple, they give really valuable tips on how to cope. I think anyone listening to us and is int hat similar situation, any of the guests are going to have at least one thing you can think about. We are giving you all the episode notes in the show notes with direct links. But you can always find our guests on our website, we have a category called meet the couple, so you can always filter them on our website.  
AindreaAbsolutely. And they were such a lovely couple. They definitely shared some tips for keeping things interesting and different ways you can feel connected. One thing they said that we had never heard of. But when they’re long distance, which is most the time, sometimes they go to a different restaurant and they go on facetime and have a drink at the bar, and it’s almost like they’re there together. They get dressed up, and they have a long distance bonified date. And I think that’s really special thing to do. They have been doing this for a long time and they’ve been living it. So, they’re a great resource in terms of ideas and how they make it work.  
RichYeah. So, that takes us onto episode 47, who has become a returning guest. Dovid Feldman.  
AindreaWe love Dovid.  
RichWe do. Dovid is really active on twitter. He gives out excellent advice every day. He’s really active replying to people. So, reach out to him for anything you want to get advice on. From the first episode he came on for, we focused on avoiding criticism.  
AindreaIt’s worth mentioning.  
RichDovid is a therapist.  
AindreaHe’s a therapist, family relationships couple’s therapist.  
RichSo yeah, he knows what he’s talking about. This all came about because he was posting on Twitter the idea about being criticised. Nothing can be on twitter without turning into a disagreement.  
AindreaThe trolls come out.  
RichBut when you make a statement about relationships, that’s never criticise your spouse, you’re going to get a mixture of responses from trolls. But also including people with good intent to say how do I facilitate change, how do I let things that I am unhappy about or improvements that need to be made, how do I bring that up if it’s not a criticism. And Dovid applied some interesting discussions around it, and we wanted to talk about it on the podcast. So, episode 47 is about that. We learnt so much, because it’s not a case of keep quiet and never speak up, but it was what’s really a big deal, what can you live with, what do you need. He spoke about the hierarchy of needs in a marriage. Within that you can define what’s really important to you, what’s a bit more trivial, what can you compromise. So, for the things that need to be brought up, how do you do it in a way that they will be responsive to, and get the outcomes that you need, without it being a big argument or the other person feeling attacked. It may be the episode you go into and hear that statement where you think it’s some airy-fairy bullshit where you can’t say anything. And hopefully you come away from that episode feeling empowered with the tools to have this happy, healthy, thriving relationship where both of you say what you need to say without either of you feeling criticised.  
AindreaYeah. One of the things I really love about Dovid and makes him different from a lot of people in the advice relationship sphere. Dovid focuses on the male persona and responsibility. What’s great about that is so many women in relationships wish they would look at their emotions more and take a step away from the traditional expectations of a man’s feelings.  It’s about what men can do to be better husband or father and look at their feelings more. The complete opposite of the toxic masculinity cult that’s going on.  
RichYeah but he also talks about male leadership and things like that. But on that point, what’s really valuable about him is that many therapists giving relationship advice is female focused. So, for males there’s not as many resources to turn, and bear in mind that many resources are form a female’s perspective or aimed at women. So, for men it can feel a bit limited, it’s not the biggest pool. So, to find someone like Dovid who is a man and focuses on men, talking to men directly. So yes, he deals with couples and women but his main focus on men. So, he is a really valuable resource. So, if you are listening to this and are a man or have a husband/boyfriend, let them know about it because it can benefit both of you.  
AindreaAbsolutely, and I just want to touch on what you said about male leadership. I don’t want people to interpret that in the wrong way. It doesn’t mean that the man should be the leader of everything. We talked a lot in that episode about there’s certain things that Rich is the leader in our household of and there a lot I am the leader of. That’s not to do with gender stereotypes but our talents. That’s something to bear in mind that it’s not saying the man should be in charge of everything, there’s certain things that each of you should be responsible for.  
RichThen we had a busy month because episode 49, we had guest Doctor Laura Louis, and we spoke about communication, feeling the peace. The title was pretty vague, it was like communicating with Doctor Louis. But she’s a relationship therapist/counsellor, a professional. She’s an author as well, she has a practice, she helps 1 on 1 families and individuals be better in their relationships. What we spoke about was communication and what people took from this episode is that we brought up a lot of examples from our relationship. It wasn’t a one-way traffic her saying do this, do that. When professionals say things like that it can sound unrealistic at times, you can think that sounds good but when you’re in the argument I know my partner. So, we brought up real examples about this is what we have tried to do and get her opinion on it. So, there should be some valuable communication tips in there.  
AindreaWe also talked about arguments and keeping the peace, how to communicate what you’re saying without it spiralling into an argument. We also at the end, it wasn’t planned conversation, but she works a lot with people with anxiety disorders and mental health problems. So, we did talk about anxiety and depression and other mental health issues in relationships, so if that something you would like more information on then I would definitely check out that episode. It’s something we are open about. I have mental health issues, stemming around anxiety and depression. So, it is something we work through as a couple, so I am always happy when a professional can weigh in on something like that.  
RichYeah and this is a really good episode to listen to after Dovid’s. I think he two are very different but linked in their own way. If you take two hours, I think they are each an hour, to listen to them close together and take notes, I think you will take a lot from that, and maybe drop your own action plan. Take the time to reflect on them. These are two people who would normally charge for a session. There is advice and tips in there that are free from people who would usually charge for it. If you reflect on that and think that some things are applicable to my situation, take some notes and make an effort to implement it.  
AindreaLaura also in that episode explained some of her approaches and steps so there is actionable stuff. So that’s a great one. So next was episode 54, with Marcus and Ashley, talking about their first year of marriage. They have a crazy story, which I won’t give too much away because you should listen to the episode. In their first year of marriage, they had some visa issues. Marcus was from another country and he didn’t realise he missed something that affected his status in the US for being able to stay. Everyone says that if you survive your first year of marriage you can survive all of I, which isn’t necessarily true as there’s many people getting divorced years on.  
RichBut the first one is hard. What’s really good about them is that they really homed in on that as a niche. We struggled and it’s funny for us because we lived together before, we got on great, we got married. And then we moved out, we had a time hard. We would argue and too often couldn’t see eye to eye on things. So for first year of marriage with Marcus and Ashley, don’t think well I am not married or I am two years in, we spoke about this and clarified that  so much of it is applicable, don’t think we’ve been married for 13 months and I still don’t like him, we’re doomed, there’s good inspiration here and there’s a lot of experience from them.  
AindreaWe also talked to them about merging two lives and households, and why it makes that first year so difficult. Like you were just saying, it’s not necessarily first year of marriage but first year living together or wherever you are.  
RichOne thing that I didn’t even know existed when it would have applied to ours, is resources for people when they’re engaged and thinking of getting engaged. Marriage is a massive step and you do need to prepare for it. You can make it without preparing for it. But if you can make use of these resources it can be a bit of a life hack. What they spoke about, how to implement some of this advice before you get there. Just view it as preparation, even if you listen to it and think that’s good, ill bookmark it and come back to it or I’ll take some notes now. There are definitely things you can implement together, whether it’s you are living together now, been married a few years or thinking about getting married, there’s stuff in there that you can implement now so don’t get too hung up on the name of it.  
AindreaYeah absolutely.  
RichAnd then onto the people who are in some way responsible for this podcast existing, from one extraordinary marriage, Toni and Alisia. So, if you’re familiar with them, one extraordinary marriage is the number 1 marriage podcast in iTunes. There’s a good chance you’re already listening to them, and if not then you should. I say they are one of the reasons this podcast exists is because they were one of the first podcast we listened to. I specifically looked for marriage podcasts for what advice we can get, and there’s popped up. They have some really good information. There are hundreds of episodes, they’ve been going for 10 years. They have so many resources going beyond the podcasts, they’ve got free guides, they’ve got a membership area, they frequently run sex challenges, they do in person seminar events. They are just a tremendous resource to follow, again don’t get hung up on the name, they focus on marriage but equally they work with people who aren’t married. Alisia is a coach as well, like Dovid and Laura, you can pay and get tailored advice from. We had about an hour with them and the focus was on cheap dates, and funnily enough this happened just before lockdown, and it coincides at the time we were talking about cheap dates and home date ideas. We spent about an hour on not feeling the pressure to spend a lot of money, going out to expensive restaurants, going out to movies. What can you do at home, on a budget, and in a long distance.  
AindreaIt wasn’t just options, it was also talking about the important of doing this, and how vital dating is to your marriage/relationship. And if you don’t set time aside with your partner, there can be bad side effects in your relationship long term.  
RichYeah that’s a good point. They are huge proponents of dating but basically maintenance work on your relationships. I think in a relationship people are more inclined to put more effort in, but it seems to be something about marriage that seems like it’s got some sort of finality to it. You can still get divorced. You have to out the effort into it. Tony and Alisia have been married for 20 something years. They still have a weekly date; they still make full effort. One thing Tony said which I really liked was if you go onto their Instagram feed, there’s no pictures of them, and he said the reason for that is that when they’re on their dates then they are fully together. They’re not taking selfies, trying to gain the algorithm, trying to get likes, the content they do is all about actionable advice for other people. And when they’re together then they’re together. They even have a safe with a timer on, so when they’re having their dates then they can access their devices to give each other they’re full attention. So yeah, they still have their weekly dates and it’s all about the importance of if you have very little money, just save a tiny bit of it, even if it’s 5 dollars and you go get a coffee together. Just do something that you can spend that time together.  
AindreaAbsolutely, it’s so important. Then episode 68, we had Meg of the Gin and Beer it podcast, which has subsequently become a good friend of mine.  
RichWe were supposed to meet Meg not that long after the episode because it turns out we don’t live too far, about 30 miles away. She lives in London, and we were going to go to our favourite BBQ restaurants and meet her. The first guest we would meet in person. We were also going to try meet Toni and Alisia this Christmas if we were going to go out there, go to San Diego and try to meet them. But then the world ended and like everyone we are affected by quarantine and lock down. But what makes Meg a good person to listen to is that she’s got an unusual story. She’s done the long-distance thing but that wasn’t the focus. She is America, she’s from Chicago, living in London. She has a podcast called Gin and Beer it and subsequently learned that we didn’t pronounce it clear enough in previous episodes. Her podcast is all about her life, she has her friends on and talks about her life as an expert. And the reason we wanted to talk to Meg was a lot of our listeners, if you’re long distance and international. One of you is going to be facing the prospect of leaving and moving away, she’s done that. Her story is really interesting, she visited London on a school trip, fell in love with everything and decided to move here. She said things got really hard, she missed everyone and realised how shit certain things are and started to look back with rose tinted glasses and that made things harder, missed birthdays. So, her story is about her building this life over here and we wanted to talk to her about the struggles and advice she had for anyone going through it. There isn’t enough resource on that, you didn’t have that.  
AindreaNo nothing. The fun thing about that episode is that it’s basically me and Meg commiserating about what it’s like being an American living in the UK. But there’s lot of really helpful tools on what she’s done to get through homesickness, what she’s done when she’s struggling with it. In her podcast she talks about lots of fun different topics. She talks about trending pop culture stuff, Netflix series that have come out, films, all kinds of stuff.  
RichIt’s a fun episode, it’s less of a relationship episode. If you’re looking for stuff that we talked about with Tony and Alisia, and Marcus and Ashley, and Dovid, and Laura. If you’re looking for that actionable advice, maybe skip this one. It’s a fun listen but if leaving home over some distance isn’t in your immediate future then this is a less important one for you.  
AindreaYeah. But it is really helpful if you are.  
RichAnd now one of our absolute favourites, episode 71 with Jordan Syatt. We’ve followed Jordan for years. He’s not remotely in the relationship space, he’s in the fitness space. From anyone who knows Gary V, Jordan is his personal trainer and is with him 7 days a week for a few years, travelling the world with him, training him, everywhere Gary went, Jorden went. But all the while he was building up this online fitness coach. He holds strength records, doesn’t he? Power lifting records. But his Instagram account is fantastic, and he’s touched before on mental health. I think his audience overlaps with Jordan’s in terms of demographics and things. So, if you don’t already follow him then he could be a really good follow. He’s about health but really goes beyond that into mental health, happiness being a goal, not beating yourself up too much and not being harsh on yourself. But the reason we had him on is that he was also in a long-distance relationship. He was travelling the world, when he was home, he was living in a different city to his girlfriend, so we wanted to talk to him about that.  
AindreaYeah and it’s a different story, a fun twist to it about how they met and got connected. We also talked to Jordan about fitness for couples. Something he does a lot on his Instagram stories is ask people about what they want him to talk about and I noticed a lot of people were asking him questions along the lines of, I really want my partner to take better care of themselves and their health and I don’t know how to motivate themselves to do that. He always had a really interesting response to that, so that’s something we wanted to talk about, that falls more into the couple focus.  
RichYeah and there’s echoes of Dovid’s criticism episode, very complimentary and obviously they are different things. But what Jordan advised is something that Dovid would have advised. Jordan has clearly done some significant research into this, he said that shame doesn’t work and you’re never going to say to something, look you’re fat, look after yourself. That isn’t going to work even though that may be how you feel. He was saying that positive reinforcement works, someone has to be ready for it. This is something that can come across as really shallow, like my partner doesn’t look good, but what he was talking about was maybe they do have to start and maybe their health is a significant factor here.  If that’s more of the case, then he opened up about really positive ways you can do that without anyone feeling judged or not good enough.  
AindreaYeah, it’s a really good episode and we really enjoyed it. You were fangirling. It was so embarrassing.  
RichI love Jordan. How long did it take? It took nearly year to get this. It was last May when we started talking to him because we were in LA.  
AindreaYeah last May you were mentioning to him that we had a podcast.  
RichYeah last May I reached out to him and he said that’s good. Then it took all the way to February to get him on. It took a long time, but we think it was worth it.  
AindreaAbsolutely. It was fun.  
RichAnd actually, that’s one of the only video episodes we’ve got on YouTube.  
AindreaAbsolutely, of course. The full thing was a video.  
RichAll of our episodes, except the last few, are on YouTube. But that’s one of the only ones where we have our webcams on and you can see us in person.  
AindreaIt’s episode 76, Dovid came back to visit us, and I know it doesn’t seem like a long time ago because we just mentioned his name, but it had been several months since we spoke to him.  
RichIt was 29 episodes between, a long-time. This time we spoke about communicating without judgement with a defensive partner. We agreed with Dovid that we would do another episode then we asked our Instagram page. If you don’t follow us, we are mrandmrsdistance, or just search long distance to marriage and you’ll find us. What we often do is do a Q&A and ask you what you would like us to cover. So, for this episode we said Dovid is returning, are there any questions you would like to ask a therapist? And the one we homed in on was how to talk to a defensive partner. So, we made this the focus with Dovid.  
AindreaYeah it was really interesting and the nice thing about this episode is that he gave us an actual formula to follow on how to say something, the act words to say, the emotions to communicate, in such a way that whatever you’re saying can’t be received in a defensive way.  
RichYeah and we tried to make this really valuable. We sort of role played it a bit, like what if they say this.  
AindreaWe overcomplicated it. He was like that wouldn’t happen, and we were like what if.  
RichWe wanted to remove any barriers for you guys. We tried to present loads of examples to Dovid for him to say how you should respond. So, it’s a really good follow on from the criticism episode but from a different angle. The criticism one was about don’t criticise, but this is one where you may not have intended to give criticism, but the other person perceived it. Some people are just more defensive and maybe you have issues about how you communicate something so that it comes across in a way that’s not how you intended it. So, the two episodes with Dovid are cheat sheets for really effective communication.  
AindreaYeah. What I loved about this was Dovid pointed out that some people are more inclined to be defensive, but most people are in a neutral state till something is said to them. So, very often if your partner is reacting to you in a defensive way, the problem is that way you’re saying something to them. And that may not be 100% of the time, you might catch them at an inconvenient time when they’re upset about something else.  
RichWe’ve fallen into this trap by the way, where either one of us will be feeling fine and the other will say something in a way they think is fine, but it may be taken more aggressively, which immediately leads to defensiveness. Then you have an argument. The annoying thing about those arguments is that the person A wasn’t trying to be offensive and person B wasn’t in a mood but felt attacked. And then you end up in an argument that no one wanted or tried to instigate. Sometimes you have an argument because you’re in a foul mood. So, this episode is about avoiding that, and even if they are more defensive and more likely to react in a way you don’t want, this is how you approach and deal with that. Obviously, the challenge you might have, if you keep having these arguments, they are primed already to feel that way when you say something. So, you may have some work to do there to help reset that situation, but what Dovid says will help you do that.  
AindreaAnd yeah, it’s just amazing the power your words hold and the way you put them together which can completely change the outcome of the scenario, due to the way the person presents it  
RichYeah and timing as well. Jordan made the point in episode 71 that people you love are the ones you are more comfortable being rude and hurtful to than strangers. And what we talk about with Dovid is that it’s easier to think that I can say what I want to say and when I want to say it because it’s important, and it’s actually important to consider what headspace your other half is in, is this a good time to bring it up? Is it likely to cause upset? Is this the time when they’re already frazzled? Are they deep in work and you’re interrupting them?  A bit of consideration for that, it can go a whole way in addition to the words you use.  
AindreaYeah and that’s something everyone needs to learn. It’s something I am still learning. I am trying to pay more attention to when I need to request something from Rich or when something needs addressing. If I know he’s stressed or trying to focus on, so if there’s something I need to talk to him about, I will look at what he’s doing and how he’s acting. And if I feel like he has the headspace then I will ask him hey do you have a second. And if he says actually can you give me 5 minutes then I do, or I think do I need to actually address this right now, can I sort it out myself.  
RichThe important thing with that is that you’re very good with that. Even if you misjudge or you ask me and I say I need 5 minutes, then you respond really well to that. I’m not rude to you, I’m respectful in how I answer but then you say okay, and we talk about it later on. That’s a key point, both of us respond in a positive way.  
AindreaWe didn’t always.  
RichNo but you could respond and say well you’re already interrupted now, can we have it now. Obviously if it’s really important then have the conversation.  
AindreaBut sometimes I won’t even ask, I’ll peek in the room you’re in and if you look like you’re taking a break.  
RichYeah but I don’t want people to think that you can’t not say anything. But that’s not what we’re talking about. The point is both people play a part in that, so you are respectful in trying to time it and approach me, I am respectful in return and you take that in the right way. I think that’s a key point here.  
AindreaYeah and it shouldn’t always be like that. You shouldn’t feel like you have to say excuse me sir can I bother you for a moment, but it’s certain times in life and if things are a bit more stressful or certain things require some more of your focus then you might have to change how you approach your partner at certain times. But I also require when there are times where your attention is completely mine.  
RichYeah which is fine. You’re my wife. It’s not always like that but in a particularly busy time right now, I need time and space to do it. It’s not a personality thing of you can’t ever interrupt me if you think I’m busy. So, the next and final for now, which was last week’s episodes with Josh and G. G does have a full name, which just can’t pronounce it. We are too unrefined, and she is too exotic.  
AindreaEpisode 78.  
RichThey’re long distance. You may have seen my Instagram post over the last week talking about them. They came on and shared their story with us. Part of the reason we wanted them on was because they make this really beautiful jewellery out of wood and minerals and rocks. But it’s beautiful stuff and it’s been custom work. Josh was already making this jewellery but then they turned it into a business, and they use it to afford the plane tickets to see each other more. So, it’s a really inspiring story about how you can use your interests and talents, to do something together. They also generously gave a 50% discount code LDTM for anyone that goes from us to them, you can get 50% off their entire range. I think their Instagram is _sycamoretree. But again, you can find that linked in the show notes and on our Instagram. It’s beautiful stuff.  
AindreaYeah, it’s amazing. They also gave a lot of helpful information and tips from them. They are currently trying to approach the visa hurdle. They are dealing with G trying to get into the US because Josh lives there. They have a lot of interesting information about that, so if there’s anyone that you know or in your relationship, trying to get into the US then there’s some information there. They also talk a bit more on the positives about being in a long-distance relationship and the benefits of then. Something we don’t hear a lot about, episode 2 of the podcast was dedicated to the benefits, but so often people talk them down because they are really hard. But it’s important that there’s lots of good things about it too. So, the promotional code for that will still be working, but any on previous episodes will not be working anymore. Anything else?  
RichThat is all of them. But as you can tell from the older episodes, we do have couples on so if you want to come on. We have some interesting guests lined up. One is a couple; one is in the advice space. They will be coming up relatively soon. But if there’s anyone you would like us to talk to then let us know.  
AindreaYeah, reach out to us. We’re very willing. Even if you don’t want to come on the show, if there’s a topic you want to suggest then let us know. A lot of our episodes and some of our best ones have been a listener request so we’re always going to take those. Stay healthy. Stay careful. We know a lot of places are starting to lift restrictions, so take care of yourselves and we hope everyone can be together soon. Have a great week.  