E17: Is Arguing in Relationships Healthy?

Is arguing in relationships healthy?

This week, we tackle the topic of arguing in relationships. How much is too much, and can it actually be healthy? We discuss how long distance can affect arguments, how arguments can evolve over the course of a relationship, and how to make sure you stay respectful to your partner when times are tricky. We even include some entertaining examples of their more humorous arguments over the years.

  • Alice says:

    We argue a fair bit. Most of the time because we are frustrated that it’s so hard to be together (visa) and we don’t know how things are going to work out. Also because I would like him to dedicate me more time and he finds it hard to.

    • Rich & Aindrea says:

      Hi Alice, thanks for the comment. Have you two met yet, is the visa for visiting or closing the distance? Do you feel like he gives you much time at the moment and you want more, or that he isn’t doing enough?

  • […] practice and trial and error and then if it goes wrong, we put in one of our earlier episodes, “the benefits of arguing”, you do learn, “hang on if I say that, they’re going to react that way,” and […]

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