
Category Archives for "Podcast"

E18: Being Intentional in Your Relationship

Being intentional in your relationship

This week, we discuss what it means to be intentional in your relationship and the importance of doing it. From anticipating your partner’s needs, making small but meaningful gestures to carrying more than your share of the load when times get tough, we provide tips and ideas for how to make sure your partner knows you care and that you’re there to make their life easier and more enjoyable. We also discuss how you can make sure to be intentional in your relationship even when you’re long distance.

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E17: Is Arguing in Relationships Healthy?

Is arguing in relationships healthy?

This week, we tackle the topic of arguing in relationships. How much is too much, and can it actually be healthy? We discuss how long distance can affect arguments, how arguments can evolve over the course of a relationship, and how to make sure you stay respectful to your partner when times are tricky. We even include some entertaining examples of their more humorous arguments over the years.

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E16: Preparing to meet your long distance partner for the first time

Preparing to meet your long distance partner for the first time

This week’s episode is a special one! We have turned a listener’s question into a whole episode. This listener is only a few months away from meeting their long distance love for the first time and had questions about how to prepare to meet, how to reassure her family about travelling to meet this person, and any helpful travel tips we could share. We run through safety tips and catfishing warning signs, ideas for setting boundaries, how to soak up the amazing-ness that is meeting the first time – and so much more!

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E15: Infidelity in relationships

Infidelity in relationships

This week we are opening up the discussion on one of the most difficult topics in relationships: infidelity. In this episode, we discuss possible motivation factors in infidelity, the nature of a cheater, whether or not it’s easier and more common for people in long distance relationships to cheat and so much more. We also share listener and social media followers’ thoughts on the topic.

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E14: The realities of seeing your family after moving away

The realities of seeing your family after moving away

We’re baaaack! After a jet lag induced holiday hiatus, we fill you in on everything that happened while we were in the States. Then, we offer insight and advice on what it’s like to see your family for the first time after moving away to be with your long distance love. From tips on how to settle into your place in your family once you’ve moved to how to battle homesickness after your family visit is over, this episode is a must-listen for those who are about to, or have just made the move to close the distance.

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E13: Christmas in another country

Spending Christmas in another country

With Christmas just a few days away, we’re focusing on those of you who have moved to be with your significant other over the past year. If you won’t be returning home for the holidays this year, you might be going through a hard time emotionally. We’re here to provide advice and ideas for how you can make this Christmas period enjoyable, even if you’re far from everything you know.

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E11: Mental Health in Relationships

Mental Health in Relationships

In this episode, we discuss how mental health can affect relationships and touch on how it has affected our own relationship, and our own lives personally. We highlight how long distance relationships (and relationships in general) can be affected by things like anxiety, depression, and phobias. We also share examples of how we’ve tried to be there for one another and how you can help ease the burden of mental health for your partner, as well as ways to take care of yourself mentally when you’re in a serious relationship.

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E10: Keeping your relationship fresh

Keeping your relationship fresh

Relationships don’t stay new and exciting forever. There will be periods throughout your relationship where you have to work a little harder to bring that initial honeymoon period-feel back. And that’s natural. In this episode, we discuss a few reasons why this might happen in a relationship, discuss the importance of working hard together as a team to keep the spark alive, and share some tips for keeping your relationship fresh.

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E9: The pain points that come with closing the distance

The pain points that come with closing the distance

Any time you move in with a partner, there’s going to be a tricky settling in period. This looks different for every couple. But when you throw in the complications that come with a long distance relationship, the pain points can be more difficult to navigate. Closing the distance is one of the most thrilling experiences, but it helps to understand the less exciting, day-to-day aspects of living together as a couple.

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