
Category Archives for "Podcast"

Ep118: Why your controlling behaviour is ruining your relationship

We all want certain areas of control in our lives – that’s natural – and healthy to an extent! Having control over our health, welfare, finances and careers is something we should all strive towards. But what happens when our controlling behaviour starts to leak into other areas of our lives – specifically our relationships? […]

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E111: Dealing with parents who object to your LDR – Listener request

In this episode, based on a listener request, we dive into the difficulties around telling your parents about an LDR, how to handle it, how not to handle it, and how to salvage the situation if it has gone badly, while addressing issues specific to the listener’s situation and other common issues that can arise […]

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E110: Trauma in relationships, with Esty Rappaport and Orit Krug

This week, we welcome back two very special returning guests who specialise in trauma therapy from different approaches. You might remember Orit, from episode 89, and Esty from episode 91.  Join in for an incredibly interesting conversation with two trauma experts who specialise in helping women and couples get past their trauma to help improve their relationships.  […]

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E109: Inappropriate Behaviours in Relationships: Putting each other down

It’s easy to bring other people down, but it’s one of the worst things you can do within your relationship. This week, we continue to examine inappropriate behaviours in relationships, and the focus is bringing your partner down – either to their face, or talking badly about them behind their back. Listen as we dive […]

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