
Category Archives for "Date ideas"

E30: Coping between visits in a long distance relationship

Coping between visits in a long distance relationship

The thing about a long distance relationship is that it’s never easy. One of the most difficult periods in an LDR can be between visits. You’ve just had a few days, weeks or even months together where you functioned like a “normal” couple who doesn’t have to deal with distance or timezones and you’ve loved every minute of being together. But then inevitably, the visit has to end and it can feel like you’re back at square one, apart and miserable. In this episode, which was a special request from a listener, we discuss how to cope between visits, how to make the best of your time and keep yourself optimistic until the next visit.

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E16: Preparing to meet your long distance partner for the first time

Preparing to meet your long distance partner for the first time

This week’s episode is a special one! We have turned a listener’s question into a whole episode. This listener is only a few months away from meeting their long distance love for the first time and had questions about how to prepare to meet, how to reassure her family about travelling to meet this person, and any helpful travel tips we could share. We run through safety tips and catfishing warning signs, ideas for setting boundaries, how to soak up the amazing-ness that is meeting the first time – and so much more!

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E10: Keeping your relationship fresh

Keeping your relationship fresh

Relationships don’t stay new and exciting forever. There will be periods throughout your relationship where you have to work a little harder to bring that initial honeymoon period-feel back. And that’s natural. In this episode, we discuss a few reasons why this might happen in a relationship, discuss the importance of working hard together as a team to keep the spark alive, and share some tips for keeping your relationship fresh.

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E3: Date ideas for married couples

Date ideas for married couples

A date with your partner should be many things – it should be enjoyable, provide quality time together, and should most definitely be a regular occurrence. In episode three, we talk everything dates, starting with our perhaps slightly definition of what constitutes as a date. From there we move on to how important they are to a relationship, how they strengthen your bond and even provide some fun alternative date ideas.

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